I am consistently amazed by the subpar videos that often land on the Top 10 viral chart. I always hope they're getting so many views due to their sheer inanity, then again I don't have that much faith in Americans.
Here's one that most definitely should have not been on the Top 10 chart (it's now off, thankfully). I hope I don't have to explain why:
And one that should be viral. Immediately. Now.
Thank you for pointing out the idiocy of the first video. Why does sexual innuendo = viral hit? Or even worse, the Axes "Fondle your balls" campaign won a Cannes gold lion. Stooping to eighth grade bathroom-humor work is what wins? No thanks.
Posted by: aburtch | September 10, 2010 at 12:57 PM
My point exactly. I wrote those jokes in 7th grade. Yawn.
Posted by: Jenn Totten | September 10, 2010 at 03:53 PM
I used to work with the people who run raves near London fields, every day I got to meet people *exactly* like the ones in the video. If you think any of that is hyperbole it's not - I'm just glad someone has the same opinion!
Posted by: Fred | December 06, 2010 at 04:28 PM
May I suggest customizing the dimensions of your video embed code? The right side of the video runs off of the page (at least when using Chrome on a Mac).
Posted by: Rachel | June 03, 2011 at 12:15 PM