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June 14, 2011


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Gah, I wish there was some way to convince freelancers to take on interns. I kinda have a girl-copywriter-crush on Lisa Taylor. #NoShameinMyGame #IsItWeirdToUseHashtagsInBlogPostComments ?


I think most women are intimidated by all the men in the creative department. But it's finally changing, as we se more and more talented women working on agencies and winning awesome awards. I work as an art director in Brazil and Im the only woman here. For me, it feels awesome. I think women have a different way to see things in advertising than men, and its definitely an advantage.

Jenn Totten

Haha, Susizzleb. I'll let her know! Or you can yourself--just shoot a message to @taylorwriting. Also, hashtags know no bounds.

Nike TN

Enter Lisa Taylor, a successful women, i am proud of her.


This is an inspiring feature. I like that Lisa recommended her friends and (ex)co-workers. It's great if people in complementing fields provide this kind of endorsement(?). I think I'll start my own list now.


Great interview. We hope Lisa and other smart female creatives will hop a plane to San Francisco for The 3% Conference next month. We need all the creative problem-solving brains we can get, all noodling answers to make advertising more female friendly.

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